14 Career Page Examples From Top Employer Brands


Employer Brand Career Page Image

The talent wars are heating up, and the methods for attracting top candidates are more varied than ever before. And while we certainly recommend that you leverage video content and social media to get eyes on your awesome employer brand, a thorough, professional, and dynamic careers page remains as essential as ever -- so we've put together a list of the best career page examples that showcase the strongest employer brands in today's working world.

No, a simple listing of open roles no longer does the trick. But be wary of an over-reliance on flashy gimmicks in lieu of meaningful information.

Assume you have less than a minute of a candidate's attention. (OK, maybe two.)

Does your careers page answer the questions that the candidate is going to have about your company in a digestible, authentic way? After the candidate spends hours browsing various job boards and career pages, will yours leave enough an impression to stand out from the pack?

If you view candidates as customers, does your careers page effectively sell the idea of working at your company? Here's something to consider: before you view a cover letter or resume, know that they've already view your version of a cover letter and resume -- your careers page.

If you effectively tell your company's unique, authentic story, the answer will be yes.

If you find yourself wondering:

  • What makes a good career page?

  • What elements should every careers page have?

  • How do you demonstrate a strong employer brand with your company's career page?

  • What are some great examples of company jobs page designs?

Then we've got you covered. Here are 14 of the best career page examples that showcase strong employer brands.

1. Shopify's Careers Page


Shopify's careers page does an excellent job of humanizing their employer brand. Right away, they flip the script on typical job application protocol and present their careers page as a job application of their own, complete with a brief company history, "skills", "interests", and even a couple references -- all packaged within a sleek, engaging design.


By acknowledging that hiring is a two-way decision, Shopify presents itself as an employer that offers a genuinely empowering work experience to each member of its organization, and leaves a lasting impression with a uniquely themed careers page.

2. VTS's Careers Page

  The best way to give candidates a peak under the hood and showcase the story of your company is through employer branding video content.

VTS's careers page puts video front and center, allowing visitors to get a quick look at their office space and culture. To learn more on how to utilize video in employer branding, check out our deep dive here.

3. Oath's Careers Page


 Of course, if you really want to step up your employer branding multimedia game and stand out from the pack, you could follow Oath's path by providing 360° digital tours of your office space. As 360° video technology becomes more and more accessible, now may be the perfect time for your employer branding team to get ahead of the curve.

4. Hubspot's Careers Page


It's not that we're anti-perk when it comes to career pages. It's just that we think bragging about snacks and cold brew in lieu of more meaningful benefits can run the risk of communicating a thin employer brand. HubSpot gets it rights by emphasizing perks geared towards professional and personal development, from free books to tuition reimbursement. Their additional perks, like "HubTalks" and "Mystery Dinners" are presented as being unique to HubSpot's employer brand -- another great practice.

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Interested in turning your career site into a beautiful, dynamic destination that can be updated whenever you need? Uncubed Studios specializes in just that. Reach out to learn more.



It's one thing to say your company values diversity and inclusion. It's another thing entirely to show exactly how your team is working every day to become more diverse and inclusive. AirBnB's careers hub goes above and beyond with a page dedicated entirely to its diversity efforts, complete with inclusivity statistics, resource groups, and more.

6. Lever's Careers Page


As inspiring a sentiment as it might be, "We're changing the world" isn't going to tell candidates anything meaningful about your company. Lever's careers page does a great job of laying out their goals and identity in a specific way. Pandering to applicants with empty buzzwords isn't going to gain interest from relevant candidates. What are you actually working on? How does day-to-day work actually look to your current team? Being as specific as possible on your careers page will.

7. PayScale's Careers Page

PayScale's great careers page wins especially big on two fronts: first, by outwardly stating their employee value proposition, they showcase that they've thought deeply about their priorities as an employer. Second, they put human faces (and not just those of their executive team) to their organization, by including fun pie charts that describe employees' interests outside of work.

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Similarly, SeatGeek's career page puts a unique spin on featuring team members by showcasing some of the more, well, eccentric backgrounds in their ranks. Sure, you can probably work with a software developer at most companies. But can you work with a trapeze artists and retired competitive eater at most companies? We think not. (Bonus points for the fun illustrations.)

9. Casper's Careers Page


Ultimately, candidates are going to trust a company more if they hear the perspective of employees who aren't hiring managers. Employee testimonials are a great way to sell applicants on your EVP without feeling like an empty recruiting ploy. Casper's careers page does just that.


Been a while since your career page has been updated? There’s a safe, secure, on-brand way to have an always updated, engaging career page. Reach out to learn more.



Of course, on-site employee testimonials are still obviously curated. For even more transparency, link to your Glassdoor page. C3 does so -- though in fairness, their impeccable Glassdoor ratings would be hard not to brag about. Even if your team's Glassdoor reviews are less universally excellent, it's still worth linking to them and showing that employee feedback is something you pay attention to. After all, most applicants are going to find their way to your Glassdoor page anyways -- take the opportunity to own the narrative.

11. Hotjar's Careers Page


  In case you haven't already picked up on this yet, we're just going to state it outright: transparency is paramount to an effective careers page (and an effective employer branding campaign, for that matter.) Hotjar -- whose career page does an excellent job of emphasizing the unique value of joining their fully distributed team -- gives applicants a full rundown of their recruitment process in an easily digestible graphic. After all, why leave applicants in the dark when you don't have to?

12. Spotify's Careers Page


Of course, the most essential (and unfortunately, often the most boring) element of a careers page is the job listings section. Sure, you could take the standard approach and force applicants to scroll through a wall of plain text while looking through open positions -- or you could do better. Spotify's user-friendly design makes it easy to navigate opportunities by department.

13. Bloomberg's Careers Page


Your company's EVP can vary for candidates with different experience levels, and that's often especially true for larger companies. Bloomberg's career site makes it easy to navigate by department and experience level, providing in-depth, specific information for each potential candidate.

14. Uncubed's Careers Page


Not to toot our own horn, but, yeah: we're gonna have to toot our own horn here. We've made an effort to implement video job posts on our career pages, providing a more dynamic view of our culture and what each position entails. Did you know that social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image combined? Well, now you know. Sometimes, finding the best potential candidates simply means broadening your audience. Video job posts help you do just that.

If you've come across a career page that needs to make it into this list, send the Uncubed team a note! 


Launched in 2016, Uncubed Studios is a full-service creative agency with a client list representing the most influential employers on earth along with the high growth tech companies.

The team that brings the work of Uncubed Studios to life is made up of award-winning experts in cinematography, journalism, production, recruitment, employee engagement, employer branding and more. 

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