Uncubed Studios Approved: ImpactHub’s Instagram Feed


Your company’s mission matters to potential hires. It also matters to the employees you already have.

“Employees expect their jobs to bring a significant sense of purpose to their lives,” reads a 2021 McKinsey report. “Employers need to help meet this need, or be prepared to lose talent to companies that will.”

Mission-driven companies have a recruiting advantage over those that don’t link their business to the greater good. According to a 2021 Gartner survey, 56% of global workers say the pandemic has made them want to contribute more to society, and according to a PwC survey, 25% of employees say their ideal employer is an organization whose values match their own.

One way employers can link their work to the greater good is through social media. It’s a public-facing, reputation-building recruiting lever every business should pull. A perfect example of this is Impact Hub’s Instagram account.

Impact Hub, a global network of mission-driven entrepreneurs, uses its feed to help employees and prospective candidates envision their contribution to the company’s purpose: enabling inclusive and sustainable innovation at scale.

Impact Hub’s Instagram feed is all about, well, its impact and the impact of its member organizations. There are promos for virtual events (like this one about the relationship between social entrepreneurs and policy makers), stats about the success of their members (50% of member organizations achieved double-digit revenue growth), quotes from Impact Hub’s board members, and testimonials from the people in the communities that directly benefit from Impact Hub’s work:By focusing on the recipients of the organization’s good (entrepreneurs and communities they serve) and not directly on organization as the doer of good, Impact Hub wields a powerful employer branding tool. Theirs is a feed that passive or even inactive job seekers might follow. 

For employers who don’t have the resources to maintain a dedicated employer-branded social media feed, advertising the societal impact of your business is one of the best ways to use your customer-facing account for recruiting new hires and for stoking enthusiasm among your current workforce.
If you keep this tone, when it is time for you to hire, you’ll have an audience of warm leads enthusiastic about your company’s mission.


How to link your company to the greater good

1. Focus on the user, and then your end user

Impact Hub’s user is the socially conscious entrepreneur working in a community that really needs them. Yours might be an organization that helps democratize access to job opportunities. Take it one step further and highlight the community where that entrepreneur works, that person who got the job your product made possible.

Follow the benefit chain to the end.

2. Talk to your ESG team to find out what they’re working on

If you’re not sure what kind of impact your organization has, check in with your ESG team (that’s environment and social governance). They can give you a sense of how the company is thinking about its impact. For example, CVS Health set a goal to expand access to affordable care, address racial inequities, and combat climate change.

3. Gather quantitative and qualitative data about your impact

Who does your business benefit, and how? Measure the impact with numbers: How many people did you connect to one another? How many jobs did you facilitate? How many dogs did you save? And then with testimonials: How do those connected people feel now? How great are those jobs? And, good heavens, how happy are those dogs?

Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza is a freelance writer based in Richmond, VA, who writes about workplace culture and policies, hiring, DEI, employer branding, and issues faced by women. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Fast Company, and Food Technology, among others, and has been syndicated by MSN and The Motley Fool.


Launched in 2016, Uncubed Studios is a full-service creative agency with a client list representing the most influential employers on earth along with the high growth tech companies.

The team that brings the work of Uncubed Studios to life is made up of award-winning experts in cinematography, journalism, production, recruitment, employee engagement, employer branding and more. 

Interested in speaking with Uncubed Studios? Email us at studios@uncubed.com


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