The Best Ways to Use Your Remaining 2021 Employer Brand Budget Holiday Gift Guide


It’s not always easy to get the budget you need for your branding plans—70% of organizations say getting enough budget is their biggest challenge in maintaining an employer brand—so the last thing you need is leftover budget at the end of the year, lest they deduct it from the next.

So, if you have extra cash, here’s how you can invest it in your employer brand.

I’ve Got About $5,000 Left. What gift can I get that celebrates our employer brand ?

The Don’t Overthink This Gift: A Video Job Post

A video job post here at Uncubed Studios is a text and image driven video with a bumpin musical score that can be used on your careers page, social media channels, or on the job boards you’re still using. It’s a simple way to generate interest in a critical role or department and fill open positions more quickly. Here’s one we made for NextDoor

The My Team Will Thank Me Gift: A Month of LinkedIn Posts and Support

Promote open roles, new product releases, corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, company culture, and current employees with a month’s worth of LinkedIn posts. The content will mix up you'‘re usually scheduled programming and give your hard working (and possibly burnt out teams) the break they need to recharge their batteries at the beginning of the year.

Want to see what this could be? Head on over to Feeld’s LinkedIn

Employer blogs are one of the best ways to maintain long-term brand enthusiasm from the inside out. For $5K, you can jump-start your employer branding blog and start creating content you can repurpose across channels that current employees love to share. Check out how we supported Peloton’s storytelling efforts by highlighting the company’s recent Day of Giving.

I have $10,000 left. What are my options for helping make the end of my year epic?

The Gift That You Can’t Stop Thinking About: A Career Page Refresh

A well-built and well-designed career page is the foundation of any successful employer branding campaign. Every employer needs one, even if you’re not actively hiring, because having your Talent teams point to an uninspiring Careers page day in and day out is never a good look with candidates.

For $10K, you can get a relevant and easy to update new Careers page with fresh, original photography to reinforce your brand. It’s a versatile asset that can be as evergreen or timely as you need, and you won’t have to deal with waiting in line for your Eng team to finally help you with your content upgrades.

The Gift That Has the Best Chance of Helping Your Employer Brand Go Viral: Social Videos

Go where the people are: 79% of job seekers use social media in their search. Social videos include the works: text, photos, motion graphics, and all the creative services you need to make it happen. Oh, and we offer hashtag research and managing social accounts too for those teams that could use an assist in the nuances of authentic employer branding.

Social videos are best for short, timely messages that demonstrate your employer is keeping tabs on what’s happening in the world.

I’ve got $15,000 left. How can I use this wisely?

The Gift That Rallies The Squad: A feature video

A feature video is one of the best investments you can make. It’s super versatile and the ROI is solid. Feature videos convey a single message that differentiates you from the competition in 2–4 minutes. For example: Your employer value proposition (EVP), new hiring push, thriving company culture, new DEI program and progress, or the results of your CSR work. Here’s a feature we created for ZX Ventures that highlights the company’s intrapreneurial spirit and another we made for Peloton that showcases a cool product feature.

I’ve got $20,000 left. What epic gift can I purchase with only a few weeks to spare?

The big red bow wrapped gift that inspires your company for ages: An anthem video

For $20K, work up your very own epic movie trailer via an anthem video, a single video that demonstrates who your company really is, as opposed to what you make or do.

You can use an anthem video to bolster your social media presence, Careers page, or job board pages. It’s great for top-of-funnel recruiting and employer brand awareness. 

Check out the anthem video we made below for LeagueApps for a taste of how to get candidates and current employees genuinely excited about being part of the team.

Got something else in mind? Let us know. We work with all kinds of budgets on a variety of content objectives, and we’re creative when it comes to package deals.

Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza writes about workplace culture, DEI, and hiring. Her work has appeared in Fast Company, From Day One, and InHerSight, among others.


Launched in 2016, Uncubed Studios is a full-service creative agency with a client list representing the most influential employers on earth along with the high growth tech companies.

The team that brings the work of Uncubed Studios to life is made up of award-winning experts in cinematography, journalism, production, recruitment, employee engagement, employer branding and more. 

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The Two Employee Demands That Will Determine The Success of Your Employer Brand in 2022


Blog Posts We Make Here: Peloton's Day of Giving